[Local] Docker compose

The complete Micronaut MuShop application can be run using docker-compose locally.

Default Configuration

The default configuration that the docker-compose file uses is to be offline.

When using docker-compose some services are not available, such as publishing the newsletter which uses an Oracle Cloud Function, however the remaining services are functional.


You need Docker and Docker Compose installed locally and at least 8GB of resources assigned to Docker in order to run instances of Oracle database within containers.

Quick Start

Pull images

Start by pulling all necessary images. Note that it may take a little while to download all the images (in particular the Oracle Database image is 2GB to download).

cd deploy/complete/docker-compose
docker-compose pull
dir deploy/complete/docker-compose
docker-compose pull

Run stack

After the images are downloaded start the stack with the detached state -d option.

docker-compose up -d

Note that it may take a little while to spin up the containers.

You can track the progress of services starting up with docker-compose ps and once all services have a status of Up then open http://localhost:81 in your browser to access MuShop.


docker-compose down